乐清建网站_深圳网页设计_网业制作_3g网站制作 ABSTRACT

With the popularization of the Internet and the rise of college students' part-time information management, more and more people begin to pay attention to and participate in the college students' part-time website, which provides a convenient and efficient part-time information website for college students. Through this website, college students can easily find a part-time job that suits them and improve their practical ability and comprehensive quality. Enterprises can also easily publish part-time recruitment information, saving recruitment costs. This design will use advanced Web development technology, combined with user-friendly interface design, to provide users with a good experience. The security and stability of the website will also be considered to ensure the security of user information and the normal operation of the website. The research purpose, research status, development technology, system analysis, system design, system function realization and system test of the system are described. This system is mainly for the university students part-time information management, using Java language, database using MySQL database. This system mainly includes Home, my information, student management, enterprise management, enterprise information management, recruitment information management, resume delivery management, job category management, interview invitation management, document type management, document information management, message board management, system management and other functions. After testing, the system can meet the basic requirements of university students part-time management.

Key words: MySQL database; College students take part-time jobs; Java;


目  录

第1章 绪论... - 1 -

1.1选题背景与意义... - 1 -

1.2国内外研究现状... - 1 -

1.3系统研究目的... - 2 -

1.4全文组织结构... - 2 -

第2章 系统开发技术简介... - 3 -

2.1 Java技术简介... - 3 -

2.2 MySQL数据库简介... - 3 -

2.3 Spring boot框架... - 4 -

2.4 B/S结构... - 5 -

第3章 系统分析... - 6 -

3.1 系统可行性分析... - 6 -

3.1.1 技术可行性... - 6 -

3.1.2 操作可行性... - 6 -

3.1.3 运行可行性... - 6 -

3.1.4 经济可行性... - 6 -

3.2 需求分析... - 7 -

3.2.1性能需求... - 7 -

3.2.2用户需求... - 7 -

3.3 系统UML用例分析... - 7 -

3.4 系统流程分析... - 9 -

3.4.1添加信息流程... - 9 -

3.4.2修改信息流程... - 9 -

3.4.3删除信息流程... - 10 -

3.4.4注册流程... - 11 -

3.4.5登录流程... - 11 -

第4章 系统设计... - 12 -

4.1系统设计原则... - 12 -

4.2系统概要设计... - 12 -

4.3 系统结构设计... - 12 -

4.4数据库设计... - 13 -

4.4.1数据库设计原则... - 13 -

4.4.2 E-R图设计... - 13 -

4.4.3数据库表设计... - 16 -

第5章 系统的实现... - 25 -

5.1前台功能实现... - 25 -

5.1.1系统首页页面... - 25 -

5.1.2个人中心... - 26 -

5.2后台模块实现... - 27 -

5.2.1管理员模块实现... - 27 -

5.2.2企业模块实现... - 33 -

第6章 系统测试... - 35 -

6.1测试目的与意义... - 35 -

6.2测试方法... - 35 -

6.3测试用例... - 35 -

6.4测试结果... - 36 -

第7章 总结与展望... - 37 -

7.1总结... - 37 -

7.2展望... - 37 -

参考文献... - 38 -

致   谢... - 39 -









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