武汉高端网站建设_黄山网站建设_东莞企业网站制作_企业网站建立 Abstract

Today's human society has entered a stage of rapid development of information globalization, global informatization, and networking. Rich online information has become an indispensable part of people's work, life, and learning. People are gradually adapting and getting used to activities such as online trade, online shopping, online payment, online services, and online entertainment, and many human social activities are developing towards networking. Parttime and job hunting are activities with a high demand for information, especially on university campuses where many students are facing employment problems. Traditional part-time job hunting methods are no longer able to meet their requirements. Building a campus part-time website will inevitably receive strong support from a large number of part-time units and students.

The main functional modules of the campus part-time website include user management, recruitment information, part-time information, communication forums, etc. It adopts an object-oriented development model for software development and hardware installation, which can well meet the actual needs of use. It improves the corresponding software installation and program coding work, and uses the SSM framework, Java language, Ajax technology for business system coding and development, Completed the page design and functional implementation of the main modules of the system. This report first analyzes the background, role, and significance of the research, laying the foundation for the rationality of the research work. Analyze the various requirements and technical issues of campus part-time websites, prove the necessity and technical feasibility of the system, and then provide a basic introduction to the technical software and design ideas required for designing the system. Finally, implement the deployment and operation of campus part-time websites.

Key words:Campus part-time job; Java;MySQL database






  1. 连接性
  2. 沧州网站设计网站建设与制作上海网页制作公司网站建设套餐东莞南城网站建设珠海网站设计太原网页制作做网站建设的公司网站建设设计网站建设交流免费网页制作龙岗网站制作网站设计收费网站设计工作室哈尔滨网站设计苏州网站建设服务公司网站设计教程网站开发背景电商网站设计公司徐州网站制作高端网页开发包头网站设计公司企业网站模板旅游网站设计湖北网站建设揭阳网站制作简单网站建设网站制作东莞收费网站建设网站建设设计深圳罗湖网站建设
